Everyone he met with found value in their time with him. Sun Products C-Level Executive, Masters Swimmer
I’m also more thorough in my thinking. General Electric Leadership Development Course participant—marathon runner
Thank you Bob for giving me that parenting lesson. It was a true blessing. Omaha, NE based CEO volunteer high school coach
I just want to let you know that one very small portion of your talk has already had a profound impact on how I view the world. Omaha, NE based CEO volunteer little league coach
Thank you for making a positive difference in my day, week, year, life. Although I was exhausted from the process I was truly inspired. You far exceeded my expectations and those of everyone I have spoken with. Although I had a close relationship with many colleagues going into the two-day retreat I feel I have gained a greater appreciation for each colleague as a result our time together and I developed new relationships with several people I wasn’t close with before. C-Level Leader Orthopedic Hospital—tri athlete, mother of 3 boys
It was wonderful, and challenging. THANK YOU! Director of Nursing, chief logistic offer of five
You are such a special gift that we were so blessed to receive these last two days!! Thank you for your passion and insight. On behalf of our management team, I would like to say thank you for working with us and teaching us new skills. Senior Director, CHRO